Follow Friday #1



Question this week from Parajunkee and Allison Can Read.

How does this work? The goal is to increase traffic to your blog and meet new friends. You follow a blog, they follow you. Win. Win. Just make sure to follow back if someone follows you!

Do you decide in advance what you read for the coming week or month? Why / why not?

I honestly don’t have a plan for what I intend to read next. I have a never-ending wish list of books I’d like to read that just keeps going. Right now I have a small collection of books I’ve bought that I have yet to read so I’ve been using the tactic of looking through what I have and picking what I think I would be in the mood for at the time.

MAYBE someday I’ll make a list, if I ever stop adding new ones to it. Probably not though.

How about you? Do you plan your reads in advance?

Want to follow me but don’t have WordPress? Follow me on Bloglovin’!


4 responses to “Follow Friday #1

    • Since I am about to head to my state university and transition from part time to full time student, scheduling books to read is going to get a LOT tougher for me. LOL But I’m determined to stick with it!

      And thank you! I will check out your blog too! ^_^


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